Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
444 lines
January, 1994
Designed and written by Normand Peladeau
Copyright (C) 1991-94, N. Peladeau
┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-
related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly,
ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a
dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical
support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via
CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
SIMSTAT and its related programs are NOT public domain or
freeware! The SIMSTAT package is a copyrighted software product
developed and owned by Normand Peladeau.
SIMSTAT is distributed as shareware. As such, individuals may
evaluate the SIMSTAT package for a maximum period of 30 days. At
the end of the evaluation period, if you find SIMSTAT to be a
useful tool and wish to continue using it, you must register your
copy with the author, Normand Peladeau.
Registration entitles you to a copy of the current version of
SIMSTAT and a free copy of the next version when it becomes
available. This copy will be mailed to you as soon as it is
released. Registered use also receive a printed and bounded
manual and a minimum of 90 days of free support (by mail and
via CompuServe).
Registered users who have already received their upgrade of
SIMSTAT may order the next version by paying a minimal fee.
To register your copy of SIMSTAT, fill out the order form
included in the distribution archive (the file called ORDER.FRM)
and mail it with payment to the address specified on the form.
5 text files
READ.ME -- Program description and start-up instructions
ORDER.FRM -- Ready-to-print order form
LISENCE.DOC -- Please Read This!!
VENDOR.DOC -- Info on distributing shareware copies
FILE_ID.DIZ -- Short program description
9 files for the main program, spreadsheet editor and probability calculator
SIMSTAT.EXE -- The SIMSTAT statistical program
SIMSTAT.DEF -- The SIMSTAT default configuration file
SIMSTAT.HLP -- The SIMSTAT help file
SIMSTAT.PAL -- The default palette file
SIMEDIT.EXE -- The SIMEDIT data editor
SIMEDIT.HLP -- The SIMEDIT help file
SIMCALC.EXE -- The SIMCALC probability calculator
SIMCALC.DEF -- The SIMCALC default configuration file
SIMCALC.HLP -- The SIMCACC help file
4 sample data files
SAMPLE.DAT -- A sample ASCII data file
SAMPLE.SYS -- A SPSS/PC+ system file
SAMPLE.DBF -- A dBASE III data file
SAMPLE.WKS -- A Lotus 1-2-3 data file
2 utility file
EXPAND.EXE -- A program to uncompressed listing files
EDITMENU.EXE -- A program to create and edit pulldown menu definition
2 palette files
MONO.PAL -- Monochrome palette file
COLOR.PAL -- Color palette file
2 menu definition files
SHORT.MNU -- Sample short menu
FULL.MNU -- Full menu
Several video and printer driver files
*.BGI -- Video and printer drivers
*.CHT -- Video and printer fonts
To install the program, simply copy all the files to the
destination disk or directory.
When starting Simstat, there are three command line options that
can be used:
/M or -M Force monochrome color set on a computer with a color card.
/E or -E Display 43 lines on an EGA or 50 lines on a VGA monitor.
/C or -C Save the listing file in a compressed format. This option
is useful for saving disk space when running on a laptop.
The listing file will take up to 75% less disk space.
You must use the EXPAND.EXE utility to uncompress the
listing file.
SIMSTAT can be configured to automatically call external data file
editors in order to edit the current data file or to create a new file.
It allows the specification of up to 4 externals programs corresponding
to the four types of file currently supported (LOTUS, DBASE, SPSS/PC, and
ASCII). For each of those types, enter the full name of the program or
batch file including the drive and directory where it resides. You can
also enter any parameters normally used when calling the program from the
dos prompt. To automatically include the current filename put the $f
keyword where you want the filename to appear.
SIMSTAT is a menu driven statistical program that provides many
basic descriptive and comparative statistics including:
o Summary statistics (mean, variance, standard deviation, etc.)
o Crosstabulation
- normal crosstabulation and inter-raters agreement table
- nominal statistics (chi-square, Pearson's Phi,
Goodman-Kruskall's Gamma, Contingency coefficient)
- ordinal statistics (Kendall's tau-b and tau-c, Pearson's R,
symmetric and asymmetric Somers' D, Dxy and Dyx)
- inter-raters agreement statistics (percentage of agreement,
Cohen's Kappa, Scott's Pi, Krippendorf's r and R-bar, free
marginal correction for nominal and ordinal measure)
- 3-D bar chart
o Frequencies analysis including:
- frequencies table
- barchart
- graphic pie chart
NEW 3.0 - Pareto chart
- histogram (text or graphic)
- descriptive statistics
- percentiles table
NEW 3.0 - Box-and-Whiskers plot (text or graphic)
NEW 3.0 - Cumulative frequencies graph (ogive)
o Breakdown analysis
NEW 3.0 - Brief or detailed statistics
- Multiple Box-and-Whiskers plot
o Multiple responses analysis
- frequency analysis
- crosstab analysis
o Time series analysis including
- Data transformation (ex.: remove mean, lag, etc.)
- Auto-correlation diagnostic (ACF and PACF plot).
- Time series smoothing techniques (moving average,
running median)
NEW 3.0 - Control bars with user-specified confidence interval
o Oneway analysis of variance
NEW 3.0 - Post hoc tests (LSD, Tukey's HSD, Scheffe's test)
NEW 3.0 - Effect size measures for Anova with 2 samples
o Paired and independent sample t-tests
NEW 3.0 - Effect size measures (r and d)
o Pearson correlation matrix, covariance and cross product
NEW 3.0 - User-specified confidence interval
o Regression analysis including:
- Linear and 7 nonlinear regressions including:
- quadratic
- cubic
- 4th degree polynomial
- 5th degree polynomial
- logarithmic
- exponential
- inverse
- X and Y scatterplot (text or graphic)
- regression equation
- analysis of variance
- residuals caseplot
NEW 3.0 - Durbin-Watson statistic
- standardized residuals scatterplot
o Multiple regression analysis including:
- 5 different regression methods:
- Hierarchical entry
- forward selection
- backward elimination
- stepwise selection
- enter all variables
- P to enter, P to remove, and tolerance criteria
- anova table
- test of change anova table
- regression equation (B, standard error of B, beta, confidence
interval of B, zero-order, semi-partial and partial
correlations, tolerance level, F, significance)
- residuals caseplot
NEW 3.0 - Durbin-Watson statistic
- standardized residuals scatterplot
NEW 3.0 o GLM Anova/Ancova (up to 5 factors and covariates) including:
- detailed anova table
- can be use to perform multiple regression analysis with
interaction terms
- 3 different adjustment methods for unequal cell sizes:
- regression
- nonexperimental
- hierarchical
- multiple regression statistics
- test of change of R-Square
- regression equation (B, standard error of B, beta, confidence
interval of B, zero-order, semi-partial and partial
correlations, tolerance level, F, significance)
- residuals caseplot (Durbin-Watson statistic)
- standardized residuals scatterplot
NEW 3.0 o Single-case experimental design analysis
- descriptive statistics
- interrupted time-series graph
- various graphical judgemental aids
- smoothing (moving average and running median)
- trend
- control bars
NEW 3.0 o Reliability analysis
- item, inter-item and item-total statistics
- split-half reliability statistics
- internal consistency measures (Cronbach's alpha, etc.)
NEW 3.0 o Sensitivity analysis
- False-positives and false negatives statistics
- Sensitivity and specificity statistics
- ROC curve (Receiver operating characteristics)
- Error rate graph
o Nonparametric analysis including:
- Binomial test
- One sample chi-square test
- Runs test
NEW 3.0 - McNemar test
- Mann-Whitney U test
- Wilcoxon T-test
- Sign test
- Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA
- Friedman two way anova
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for 2 samples
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for 1 samples
- Moses test of extreme reactions
- Median test (2 or more samples)
o nonparametric association matrix including
- Spearman's R
- Sommer's D, Dxy and Dyx
- Goodman Kruskall's Gamma
- Kendall's Tau-a, Tau-b
- Kendall Stuart's Tau-c
o bootstrap analysis
- simulation on 7 univariate and 21 bivariate estimators:
- descriptive statistics
- histogram (text of graphics)
- percentile table
- nonparametric confidence intervals
- nonparametric power analysis
- variable sample size
- random sampling simulation
- full analysis bootstrap simulation
o high-resolution graphics
- Pie chart, 3-D bar chart, histogram, scatterplot, time series
- User control of axis scaling, titles, grid, etc.
NEW 3.0 - User control of color, font size, patterns, etc.
- Graphics can be printed on almost any type of printers such as:
- 9 and 24 pin dot matrix printers,
- 9 and 24 pin color printers,
- HP LaserJet II & III
- HP DeskJet,
- Deskjet 500c and 550c color printers,
- PostScript printers,
- HP PaintJet color printer,
- HP pen plotters.
- HP ThinkJet
- HP LaserJet 4 (600 dpi)
- Graphics can be exported to PCX or HPGL graphic formats.
o Integer weighting of cases using another variable.
o Direct access to 4 user defined external data editors for each
type of data file (Lotus, dBase, Ascii, SPSS/PC+).
o Ability to assign missing value and variable label to any variable
or to change the variable length and number of decimal used to
display results. Ability to save and recall all those information
in a dictionary file.
o Ability to shell to DOS.
o Ability to save and retrieve options files.
o SIMEDIT spreadsheet data editor (SIMEDIT and SPSS/PC+ file format)
- Import Lotus, dBase, SPSS/PC+ and ASCII file
- Export dBase, SPSS/PC+, and ASCII file
- IF-THEN-ELSE conditional variable transformation with more
than 47 operators and functions (numeric, trigonometric,
statistics, random number and date function).
- Undo last transformation.
- Quick transform command for often used transformation.
- Ability to assign variable/value labels and missing values.
- Variable recoding, ranking, etc..
- Ability to sort cases.
- Search and replace values.
o Ability to customize a new Add-ins pulldown menu to run
SIMSTAT add-in programs or other often used applications.
NEW 3.0b o Ability to customize SIMSTAT pulldown menus.
o SIMCALC probability calculator computes probabilities for
9 types of test/distribution as well as confidence intervals
for mean and correlation. (The registered version can also
be used as a standalone program)
The data may be read directly from a dBase file (version III or IV),
a LOTUS 1-2-3 file, an SPSS/PC+ file or from an ASCII data file.
The output can be read on the screen, save on disk in a listing
file, and/or send directly to the printer.
The program can handle up to 500 variables and 32,000 cases. The
simulation can contain between 50 and 20,000 subsampling. These
limitations are the absolute maximums and can be somewhat lower
depending on the amount of memory available.
SIMSTAT will run on any IBM PC/XT, AT, PS/2 and compatible under
MS-DOS/PC-DOS version 3.0 or higher. A minimum of 360K of free RAM is
The program does not need a numeric coprocessor but will use it
if available. A coprocessor is highly recommended for extensive
bootstrap simulation or computation on large samples.
IBM-PC/XT, AT and PS/2, PC-DOS are trademarks of International
Business Machines.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
SPSS/PC+ is a registered trademark of SPSS Inc.
DBASE III and IV are trademarks of Borland International.
LOTUS is a trademark of Lotus Corp.
Graphic printer drivers and PCX driver provided by Ryle Design Inc.
To simplify the use of SIMSTAT or for security reasons, it may
be desirable to hide some functions or analyses from the user.
The EDITMENU.EXE utility program allows you to create and edit
customized pulldown menus and keep those definitions in a special
file (.MNU extension). To run this utility program enter:
EDITMENU {filename}
where {filename} stands for the .MNU file you want to edit or create.
Then, you can use the RETRIEVE OPTIONS command from within SIMSTAT
to retrieve MNU files and change the current menu definition. You can
also specify a menu definition by putting the following parameter when
starting the program:
SIMSTAT /L:{filename}
This parameter can also be invoked automatically by using the following
SET command before calling SIMSTAT:
SET SIMSTAT = /L:{filename}
Consult your DOS manual for more information on the SET statement.
An application programming interface (API) for Simstat is currently
under development. If you are a programmer interested in developing
add-in programs to perform specific type of analysis currently not
available in SIMSTAT, please contact the author (see address below).
NONLIN -- Nonlinear Regression Program
If you like SIMSTAT but need a powerful nonlinear
regression program that can perform statistical regression with
general equations, I suggest you try the Nonlin program written by
Phillip H. Sherrod.
Nonlin is a powerful nonlinear regression program that can fit a
general equation, whose form you specify using normal algebraic
notation, to a set of data values. The fitted equation can include
polynomial, exponential, log, square root, and transcendental
functions including trigonometric, Bessel, Chebyshev polynomials.
The fitted function may even be piecewise continuous.
Nonlin can be used as a stand-along program or invoked as an
"add-in" from SIMSTAT using the SIM2NL utility program. The shareware
version of Nonlin is available from many BBS or you can contact the
author at the address below. Nonlin version 2.2 or later is required
for use with SIMSTAT.
For information about Nonlin, contact: Phillip H. Sherrod, 4410
Gerald Place, Nashville, TN, 37205-3806 USA, 615-292-2881
(evenings), CompuServe: [76166,2640], Internet:
You can contact the author by writing to the following addresses:
By mail:
Normand Peladeau
Provalis Research
5000, Adam street
Montreal, QC
H1V 1W5
By electronic mail:
CompuServe: [71760,2103]
Internet: 71770.2103@compuserve.com